Jekyll to create a portfolio website

Jekyll is a static site generator written in ruby that can be used in conjunction with Github Pages to create a great platform for displaying projects and writing blog posts.

The reason Jekyll is great for portfolio websites, especially if you are writing blogs at the same time, is because it handles the organisation of the portfolio projects and blog posts really well, and allows the posts to be written in markdown. This means that it makes the process of writing blog posts much easier, and also more readable in text format than using HTML.

In addition to that, Jekyll uses the liquid templating language to make HTML more modular and reusable, and it means that one does not have to rewrite the same HTML code multiple times. Jekyll also introduces many variables that can be used with liquid that contain information about the blog posts or projects, such as images associated with them, their excerpt or their title. This is very convenient to produce portfolio pages with previous of the projects, by having all the information in the project markdown files.

** File Organisation

By default, Jekyll only supports blog posts that get put into a _posts directory, however, it is extensible enough to allow for different types of posts, which are called collections in Jekyll.

My layout, which supports project descriptions for a portfolio and blog posts, looks like the following.

├── assets
│   ├── css
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── img
│   │   └── logos
│   └── js
├── _data
├── _includes
├── _layouts
├── _portfolio
└── _posts

** Portfolio Collection

To make Jekyll recognise the _portfolio directory, it has to be declared in Jekyll’s configuration file _config.yml.

    output: true

Jekyll will now parse and turn the markdown files into HTML. To get a coherent link to the files, it is a good idea to add a permalink to the YAML front matter like the following.

title: FMark
permalink: /portfolio/fmark/

This means that the file will then be accessible using

** Using Jekyll Parameters

Now that we have generated the portfolio directory, and have written the descriptions to a few projects, we can see how we can use the Jekyll variables that are to our disposal in Liquid.

First of all, to generate a great view on the main page of some of the projects that you have made, you can use a for loop to iterate through the projects, and even use a limit to limit the projects to a specific number. This can be useful when showing a few projects on the main page, and also want a page displaying all the projects.

{%- raw -%}
{% assign proj_reverse = site.portfolio | reverse %}
{% for project in proj_reverse limit: 3 %}
{% endraw %}

By default, the projects are listed from earliest to latest, so to display the three latest projects, the list first has to be reversed.

Inside the for loop, variables like

{%- raw -%}
{{ project.title }}
{{ project.excerpt }}
{% endraw %}

can be used to access the variables declared in the YAML, to generate views of the projects.

** Conclusion

In conclusion, Jekyll and Liquid make it very easy to organise projects and make it easy to write the descriptions and blogs using markdown.